Bending / Forming Services
Our Highly-Skilled Operators Bend to Your Needs
TMM Precision’s TrumaBend CNC press brakes is suited for forming parts for use in almost any commercial application. This bending system has up to 90-ton capacity and computer-controlled programming.
TMM Precision’s Press Brakes Produce Complicated Parts Effortlessly
Resulting in significantly increased productivity, lower cost to the customer, and high-quality precision parts.

Trubend 5085
Our Operators in Action
► Parts can be bent to almost any angle required; capabilities also include multiple bending tasks.
► Low-cost process for adding shape to finished pieces i.e., chassis, panels, and brackets.
Trubend 5085
TruBend Advanced Programming
► Programs for bending are stored on the computer and re-used to make parts more consistent from batch to batch.
► Set-up costs and times are reduced as the control program provides information on the tooling needed.
► Advanced programming calculates and simulates bend sequences producing precision contours, folds, and bends.

We take orders from one piece to thousands; from prototype to production quantities.